Experimentation as the proven secret for breathtaking design.

Have you ever wished you could peer inside the mind of that creative beast you look up to, and know the secret to his/her success?

I have. 

In fact, I constantly wonder what makes designers/studios like Zeitguised, Ines Alpha and Albert Omoss create the craziest most original work you could imagine. How have they developed such a stylized creative voice? Well the answer for these particular guys is clear: experimentation. 

Taking inspiration from other disciplines or combining techniques from them give their work a much more detailed, specific and tailored aesthetic. 

In this article we look into the possibilities that experimentation can give us and how we can implement it to find our creative voice. 


Can a mix of disciplines get you those fabulous results? 

One common way of experimenting is by creating connections between disciplines that haven't been explored in depth yet.

Within the motion graphics industry, a very well known studio named Zeitguised seems to excel in experimentation so much that it has become their main work process. They create “exquisite realities” in which they use the most surreal textures that don’t exist and make them look incredibly realistic.

They often draw from fashion, textiles and sculpture to create their digital animations, exploring the limits between disciplines to find out what that task needs to become interesting. They also combine artistic movements such as realism and abstraction to create a sense of balanced tension within their composition. This elaborate process of creating associations between disciplines and artistic styles leads to a very authentic and unique design.



At the same time, a designer who has succeeded in joining her two favorite disciplines is Inés Alpha who has mixed 3D design and make-up, giving way to the most dramatic, extravagant and expressive pieces of AR work. She uses this technique to express her point of view on beauty, seeing the future of digital makeup as the absolute freedom of self expression.

Ines Alpha

Ines Alpha

Albert Omoss usually experiments combining CGI with the human form or with food and he compared his work process to that of a film director, who instead of guiding actors, guides structures and forms. Just as a director allows the actors some freedom of expression, he lets the program take over, producing some very unexpected and experimental results.

Albert Omoss

Albert Omoss


Is there beauty in trial and error?

On the other hand experimentation can simply mean finding the beauty in a trial and error process where experimentation is a goal in itself. Jonathan Kenyon, co-founder and executive creative director of Vault49 says “experimentation is so important because it gets you out of your comfort zone and means you can find a place for the unexpected and the unseen. You can think freely.”

When working for agencies, studios or independent clients, designers often find themselves wedged between constraints which can, in the long run, lead to monotonous design thinking. This is why it is important to create personal projects that fuel their creativity and push them further.


How to find your authentic creative voice

Experimentation is a powerful method that can lead designers to find their own unique style. The downside of this of course, is that it takes longer than simply mashing up a few styles you’ve seen on instagram. However, not only is it the more ethical thing to do, it is the most practical, because you will have your own style no matter what.

1. Combining your favourite disciplines. Say you’re a 3D motion designer, and one of your secret passions is pottery, well why not create some extravagant pottery in 3D that wouldn’t be possible to physically make by hand. 

2. Setting some creative constraints. Using a specific colour palette, shape or medium can help you have a consistent style. Don’t forget to experiment with different constraints before you choose the ones that go well with you and your personality. 

Either way, the point is to try it out, even though you have no idea where it may lead you. EXPERIMENT and be prepared to fail and try again, fail and yep you guessed it, try again. Nobody said it would be easy finding a unique style and creative voice!


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